Cincinnati Chamber Releases 2024 State of the Region Report

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Read articles and learn more about the Cincinnati Chamber through our related news articles

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Alandes Powell

Title: Co-founder/Executive Director
Current / Past Place of Employment: Black Art Speaks
How many years have you been in the region? 35 years

Alandes Powell is a wife, mother, grandmother, sister, auntie, friend, mentor, and mentee. She is a leader in the financial sector with a career spanning over three decades. She currently serves as the Executive Director of Black Art Speaks, a non-profit organization co-founded in 2020. This initiative aims to elevate artists and promote cultural expression. Powell’s advocacy for equality is evident in her instrumental role in projects like the Cincinnati Black Lives Matter Mural and her active participation on the boards of the Cincinnati Ballet, Generation Now, and the Robert O’Neal Multicultural Arts Center.

Dedicated to social justice and community development, Alandes’ notable accolades include Ohio Dr. King Organization Award for Black Art Speaks, YWCA Social Justice Honoree, one of Cincinnati’s Most Influential in Who’s Who in Black Cincinnati, recipient of the UC Health MLK Humanitarian Award, Mayerson Strength Hero, and Woman of the Year by the Cincinnati Enquirer/Greater Cincinnati Foundation.

Alandes is  the co-author of “Cincinnati’s Black Lives Matter Mural,” “Fathers,” “It Takes Money Honey,” and “Leadership Tidbits Volume II.”

In 30 seconds or less, tell us who YOU are. This is not your professional bio, but rather, your response should reflect how you are uniquely you.
Auntie to many, friend to all.

What is the primary motivation of your leadership?
Using my ability to influence others as a way to empower them.

What has been the cornerstone of your life journey that influenced your personal mission and purpose?
The moment I realized my true power was accepting I had power and that with it came the need to always operate with integrity and fairness.

Who has had an immense impact on you as a leader? How did this person (or people) impact your life?
My dad. He believed in service to others, showed love to everyone, but also held people accountable.

What piece of advice have you received along the way in your career or life journey that has stuck with you?
Be fair, be honest, and be willing to be wrong.

What one thing makes you most proud?
My ability to overcome.

What’s one thing you do every day (or with consistency) to be a better person?
Pray and believe

What are a few resources or behaviors you would recommend to someone looking to grow into a better leader?
Operate as a leader, even if you don’t have the job.

How do you define success?
Doing what needs to be done, even if it doesn’t appear I can do it.

Why do you choose to make the Cincinnati region home?
I think it chose me.

What do you imagine for the future of the Cincinnati region?
I see a community of empowered individuals who have discovered the strength and resilience to create positive change, overcoming the challenges of their present circumstances.

What legacy do you hope to leave behind?
That I had nothing left in me to give when God decides to take me away from here. To have given my all, having nothing more left to offer, all the positive differences I could make, I did make.


Nominate an Honoree

Help us elevate, empower, and support our region’s Black leaders today, tomorrow, and all year long by nominating someone for #MakingBlackHistory.