Energy Savings
Understand, manage, and reduce your organization’s energy costs by working with our partner, Good Energy.
How it Works
Energy costs typically fall within the top three expenses for most businesses. We understand just how critical this is to your bottom line. That’s why we’ve partnered with Good Energy – a national energy management and consulting firm. Using their extensive knowledge of energy markets and their strong supplier relationships, we are able to provide custom quotes as part of your Cincinnati Chamber membership. To get started, simply request a FREE Rate Analysis

The program is simple – you select the supplier, rate and term, while your local utility continues to deliver it. You’ll be provided “fixed rate” pricing options (various contract terms available) for your energy supply needs, giving you price certainty and savings you can count on.
Gain the ability to better understand, manage, and reduce your energy costs.
Energy Savings FAQ
Why should I switch?
Current market conditions have resulted in lower wholesale electricity & natural gas prices. This presents opportunities for many businesses to take advantage of today’s lower prices and begin saving, versus the generation price offered by your local electric utility.
How long does my enrollment in the program last?
If you enroll in the Cincinnati Chamber program, you are committed to taking your generation service from the selected supplier until your contract ends. The term length for each contract will vary depending on your company’s goals. These goals typically include savings and/or budget certainty, but at its core, contract term length is rooted in your tolerance for risk.
Why can you offer a discount on my business’ electricity & natural gas rates?
Utility electric rates are set based on the schedule for which the utility is required to purchase wholesale power in order to satisfy the energy demands of the service region. Little to no deviation from this schedule is permitted by the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO). Alternatively, energy suppliers are not required to adhere to this schedule and can therefore make wholesale power purchases more strategically. Combining this strategic purchasing ability with the bulk purchasing power of the Chamber will reduce your electricity supply costs to levels below the utility’s rates, but also produce rates lower than those available from other standalone offers. You can then compare your current utility rate to a competitive market rate and make the best decision for your business.
How do I receive a quote?
All we need to generate your FREE Rate Analysis is a complete copy of your most recent utility bill. From there our partner, Good Energy, will be able to shop your rates with suppliers from around the country to provide you with a list of rates and terms that best meet your needs. Once we receive your utility bill, we will provide you with a Rate Analysis within 3-5 business days. If you would like to receive a Rate Analysis, please email your complete utility bill to Beth McNeill at
Once we have the necessary data, we will aggregate your information with other companies like yours and provide you with an offer letter of the best rate possible for various contract term lengths. It is then your choice to enter into the agreement.
Will my service be affected?
No, you will continue to receive the same quality of service from your local utility. Transmission and delivery of your energy is the regulated portion of your bill and will remain the responsibility of the utility.
If I’m already with a supplier may I still participate?
Yes, you may participate, however, it’s best to review your existing supply contract in order to determine when it expires. Once the existing contract expires, you may enroll with the Cincinnati Chamber program. Otherwise, early termination fees from your existing supplier may apply.
When can I expect to see my new rate?
Your new rate will begin with the first meter read of the start date of your contract. That means you will see your new rate reflected on the following month’s bill for the preceding/first month’s service.
Once you present a contract to me, how long do I have to decide?
Rate acceptance is a daily process. Once you receive your Rate Analysis you will have until the end of that business day to determine your rate and term as well as sign the appropriate contract. Your contract selection will be sent to you the same day for execution.
Energy Deregulation
Legislatures and the public utility commissions of many states have opened retail competition for electricity supply. The measures allow consumers of electricity to choose their supplier of electricity (generation), while the delivery of the power (transmission & distribution) remains the responsibility of the incumbent power company (regulated utility).
The purpose of deregulation is to foster competition among electricity suppliers with the medium and long-term goal of combating the high prices maintained by government-sanctioned regional monopolies over nearly the last two decades. There are signs that deregulation of the electricity supply market is working as designed.
Customers now have an increased array of product choices available to them, including renewable energy options, at competitive prices which they are able to select in response to market conditions. As a result, customers gain dominion over their own energy supply costs and procurement strategies. When choosing a supplier, the single most important consideration to be aware of is that there are material differences between the various electricity supply products offered by competitive service providers, especially versus the standard offering made by the incumbent utility from which you have purchased power historically. Some of these differences amount to matters of price, while other differences are much more complex, having to do with reliability of service, etc.
That’s why the Cincinnati Chamber has invested in understanding opportunities to avoid the pitfalls associated with the changing market conditions in Ohio. We are prepared to help you exercise your power to choose a competitive electricity supplier in the most intelligent way possible – by pulling together our members to get the best rates possible in the market using the most qualified and competitive certified retail electricity suppliers (CRES).