Cincinnati Chamber unveils the new five-year strategic framework to foster regional growth

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What We Do

Explore our programming, resources, and membership options that drive growth.

See how we celebrate, enliven, stimulate, and cultivate community in the region.

See how we meaningfully connect leaders and celebrate our business community

Explore the work we’re driving to move the region forward

Explore our talent solutions, including leadership programs and HR consulting

See the stories and legacies that lift our communities and inspire action

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Why Chamber Membership

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Feature your business with a Member Spotlight in our Weekly Connection Newsletter

These events offer members points of connection, timely insights, and solutions

Monthly Member Briefing

Member Benefits 101

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Telent Hub

Explore our full suite of best-in-class leadership development programs

Explore our initiatives focused attracting, retaining, and developing talent

Explore the Workforce Innovation Center’s HR consulting services and resources

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Learn more about our mission, vision, and values

Meet the diverse group of leaders passionately supporting our mission

Meet the people serving our region inclusively with passion, Integrity, and fun

Interested in joining our team? Check out our current openings


Questions? Here’s a list of things we think you may want to know

Read articles and learn more about the Cincinnati Chamber through our related news articles

Introducing United Way’s 2024 Campaign Co-Chairs
Metro, City of Cincinnati Partner to Benefit City Employees

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Read articles and learn more about the Cincinnati Chamber through our related news articles

Introducing United Way’s 2024 Campaign Co-Chairs
Metro, City of Cincinnati Partner to Benefit City Employees
Advocacy Events

Leadership Exchange

An immersive two-day trip to a peer city to learn best practices in economic development, diverse and inclusive growth, transportation, and talent attraction. Past trips include Atlanta, Nashville, Austin, Toronto, Minneapolis-St. Paul, and Dallas-Fort Worth.

Leadership Exchange

The battle for diverse and skilled talent is happening across the globe. Through Leadership Exchanges, we provide a unique opportunity to learn first-hand how future cities partner and collaborate to achieve regional growth. 

About the Event

As a cornerstone of our work to chart a growth agenda for the region, the Cincinnati Chamber’s Leadership Exchange, brought to you by our Excellence Investors Delta Air Lines, Norfolk Southern and P&G, provides a unique opportunity to learn first-hand how peer and aspirational cities partner and collaborate to achieve growth. In Atlanta, we learned about their regional growth dynamics, with a focus on their initiatives and strategies that have attracted and cultivated a diverse talent base. We also focused on how Atlanta’s cultural vibrancy is contributing to talent attraction efforts and contributes to the strength of their business landscape.

In the decade since the Chamber last visited Atlanta on a trip like this, the region has added more than 700,000 residents. We knew there was much to learn from a city that has so intentionally focused on attracting businesses, welcoming people, and building a culturally vibrant community.

This year’s trip took place June 10-12, 2024 and was an opportunity for senior business and civic leaders to immerse themselves in Atlanta to learn from the leaders making things happen, and return to Cincinnati with a vision for how to apply those lessons to support a growing Cincinnati region.

Who should attend?
  • Chamber members only
  • C-Suite Executives
  • Civic Leaders invested in the future of the Cincinnati region

If you would like to learn about future Leadership Exchange Trips, please contact Madison Kutruff on our Government Affairs team.

2024 Excellence Investors

Interested in sponsorship?

Interested in supporting the Leadership Exchange or other programs in our Advocacy network? Let our team help you find the best option that meets your company’s needs. Become a sponsor >

Madison Kutruff
Have questions? CONTACT:
Madison Kutruff
Event & Program Coordinator, Government Affairs & Advocacy