Register for the Annual Dinner: Legacy & Promise: A Celebration of Leadership | February 27, 2025

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Through bold leadership, advocacy and partnerships with city, county, state and federal policy makersthe Cincinnati Regional Chamber advances a pro-business and pro-development policy initiatives that stimulate and grow our regional economy.

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With hundreds of thousands of attendees each year, we create events and experiences that drive vibrancy in our region. Beyond what we produce, we’re deeply engaged and invested in growing the region’s cultural vibrancy by supporting arts, culture, sports, and entertainment assets and investments.

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Cincinnati Regional Chamber Announces 2025 Festival Information Calls for Vendors, Volunteers, and Sponsors Now Open
Delivering on the Promise: Metro’s Reinvention Continues

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Siobhan Taylor

Title: President and CEO
Current / Past Place of Employment: DePaul Cristo Rey High School
How many years have you been in the region? 37

Siobhan Taylor believes that transformational education changes not only students but also families and communities. A Cincinnati native, Siobhan is a graduate of Ursuline Academy, Miami University and the University of Michigan. She holds degrees in political science and anthropology, a master’s degree in social work social policy, and completed additional studies at the University of Cincinnati College of Law. She has held several educational leadership positions in Cincinnati and New Albany, Ohio.

As President/CEO of DePaul Cristo Rey, Siobhan is passionate about providing opportunities for students to secure their futures, and is equally committed to fostering a student’s spiritual development. Her interests in and passion for education, female empowerment, and mental health advocacy have led her to make an impact through significant volunteer work that has both a local and international reach. She is an ambassador for the Eating Recovery Center and frequently serves on panels with a particular interest in those that address mental health and spirituality issues in diverse communities. In her spare time, she has an affinity for travel, boxing, and diverse cuisine; and most recently, has added adult gymnastics to the list.

In 30 seconds or less, tell us who YOU are. This is not your professional bio, but rather, your response should reflect how you are uniquely you.
I am a daughter of the Most-High King focused on bringing light and love to a world in need. I value the life God designed for each of His children confident in the purposes He’s given us to help heal others. I’m an explorer by nature, life-long learner by training, and servant in mission and deed. I love music, a good challenge, and I seek to be a vessel of hope.

What is something that most people do not know about you?
I may look serious most of the time, but I’m pretty good at making other people laugh. And I love a good dance party in the kitchen!

What are your personal core values?
Faith. Creativity. Wisdom. Integrity. Growth.

What is the primary motivation of your leadership?
I believe that God has called me to uniquely serve my community; for such a time as this. Every life experience I’ve had; every job I’ve worked; every person I’ve met; every challenge or celebration I’ve been gifted has equipped me to do the work I’m currently doing. I trust that NO THING has been wasted; that all things He has provided for me are leaving a legacy of goodness unto others whether known or unknown.

What has been the cornerstone of your life journey that influenced your personal mission and purpose?
God has certainly been the cornerstone of my life journey influencing both my personal mission and purpose. It was through enduring a life altering and temporarily disabling illness from 2019-2020 that His purpose for my life crystalized. While Lyme disease took my temporal body for a period of time, God gave me new life, as my spiritual being grew stronger day by day. The time that I got to spend with Him during such intense suffering was not only spiritually sweet, but gave me the confidence and a renewed mindset around enduring suffering and life’s challenges

Who has had an immense impact on you as a leader? How did this person (or people) impact your life?
My former boss, Shelly, had an immense impact on me as a leader. Shelly impacted my life in three unique ways: 1) She trusted my expertise and feedback; 2) She gave me permission to create and design; and 3) She rewarded my work with not just compensation, but with words of affirmation, increased challenges and problem solving opportunities, and space to imagine new things. Today, I lead in many ways like she lead me.

What piece of advice have you received along the way in your career or life journey that has stuck with you?
Trust in the slow work of God.

What one thing makes you most proud?
I am most proud of my parents – their personal stories of triumph and overcoming. Their endurant hearts and minds paved the way for me to exist; for me to develop into a woman of strong character, faith, and service. Through their endurance, service, and love, I – too – have been able to endure, serve, and love. I’m proud of them!

What’s one thing you do every day (or with consistency) to be a better person?
I talk to God – in prayer, in worship, in reading His Word. I allow Jesus’ standard of goodness to be my standard and I work to model myself, my work, my responses, and my living after His good plans and paths for His children. Whether you believe in Jesus or not, His life can be a great model for ours, if we let it.

What are a few resources or behaviors you would recommend to someone looking to grow into a better leader?
Reflection is a critical component of our continued maturity as human beings. I strongly recommend that everyone see a counselor or therapist who can help them facilitate personal deep reflection, life examination, and the execution of better behaviors. Therapy isn’t for the crazy…it’s for the concerned. Those who are concerned about themselves, others, and the world around them.

How do you define success?
Success is knowing that you loved someone well that day.

Why do you choose to make the Cincinnati region home?
Honestly, family brought me back to Cincinnati, along with the job I currently have. Being able to serve students through our mission, knowing that my family would have benefitted greatly from a school like DePaul, deeply personalizes the work I do every day. My family has its roots in Cincinnati, and now, I have the privilege of helping others establish their own roots in our community through providing a great education to others.

In what ways are you involved in the Cincinnati community outside of your professional endeavors?
I’ve been involved in the Cincinnati community through a lot of volunteer work at my church, a variety of non-profit organizations focusing on youth opportunities, and attendance at many community events and programs. In addition, I’ve also been committed to community work that supports men and women suffering from eating disorders. Cincinnati, like many cities, has great needs, and I appreciate the many things we offer our people. As a downtown resident, I’ve had the privilege of watching our city transform and work to make things better. Are we perfect at it all – no; but as a community we are trying and learning.

What do you imagine for the future of the Cincinnati region?
I imagine a future where all children and students in this community have the gift of a quality education and that opportunities abound so that they may grow into the very people they were born to be. I imagine a community where all students can believe, achieve, and become!

What legacy do you hope to leave behind?
I hope to leave behind a legacy of love and grace. I pray that I am known for loving people well and giving them the space and grace to be who they are in their most authentic form.

Siobhan Taylor

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