We strengthen civic ties and create meaningful and fruitful connections for those who are here. We work with government, businesses, educational institutions, and community partners to ensure a welcoming environment that helps newcomers find success and opportunity in our region.
With hundreds of thousands of attendees each year, we create events and experiences that drive vibrancy in our region. Beyond what we produce, we’re deeply engaged and invested in growing the region’s cultural vibrancy by supporting arts, culture, sports, and entertainment assets and investments.
Through bold leadership, advocacy and partnerships with city, county, state and federal policy makers the Cincinnati Regional Chamber advances a pro-business and pro-development policy initiatives that stimulate and grow our regional economy.
We create member experiences, connections, and programming that meet the unique needs of businesses in our region. We’re a driver of regional collaboration, ensuring that our diverse civic and business communities are aligned, engaged, and have their voices heard.
Home » Dora Anim
We strengthen civic ties and create meaningful and fruitful connections for those who are here. We work with government, businesses, educational institutions, and community partners to ensure a welcoming environment that helps newcomers find success and opportunity in our region.
Through bold leadership, advocacy and partnerships with city, county, state and federal policy makersthe Cincinnati Regional Chamber advances a pro-business and pro-development policy initiatives that stimulate and grow our regional economy.
With hundreds of thousands of attendees each year, we create events and experiences that drive vibrancy in our region. Beyond what we produce, we’re deeply engaged and invested in growing the region’s cultural vibrancy by supporting arts, culture, sports, and entertainment assets and investments.
We create member experiences, connections, and programming that meet the unique needs of businesses in our region. We’re a driver of regional collaboration, ensuring that our diverse civic and business communities are aligned, engaged, and have their voices heard.
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First and only Chief Operating Officer in GCF’s history. In partnership with the CEO, I provide day to day leadership and vision for GCF. I am responsible for developing a high performing culture and shifting the organizational mindset to drive growth, transformation and results. I also had the opportunity to lead the design and construction of a new space for GCF in partnership with our CFO.
Previously, Dora was Senior Vice President of the Health Collaborative where she managed large scale healthcare improvement initiatives for diverse groups of stakeholders working together toward defined common goals. Graduate of Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber’s C-Change, WE Lead, WE Success and Leadership Cincinnati. Serves on several boards including the Council on Aging, Episcopal Retirement Services, Springer School and OneSource. Awarded the Business Courier’s Women Who Mean Business award in 2018.
Well first and foremost I am from Ghana – I am the daughter of a diplomat who traveled a lot and was eventually stationed at UNESCO headquartered in Paris, France. As a result, I was practically raised there until about 16 years old.
I was fortunate enough to get a full scholarship + stipend to attend school here. I loved the campus and the vibe here and decided not to pass up the opportunity. I have since stayed here because I married a true Cincinnatian – who was born and raised here. We now have children and so we are well settled here. When I think about it, I’m really glad I took that scholarship offer and moved here.
There are a lot of things to love here. It’s a region rich in arts, sports, lots of opportunities to feel close to nature through parks and rivers; I love that the annual Western Southern tennis tournament comes here. I try to make it there every year. It’s also becoming an impressive culinary mecca so there are a lot of great food options. It’s a place that allows folks to choose their own adventure.
Absolutely hands down, my family. Hanging with my husband and 4 kids ranging from 6 to 17 years is awesome. I have a sister who lives close and my husband’s family is also around, so we have them over occasionally, that is energizing. I also love to cook so I have been known to throw down in the kitchen on occasional weekends 😊
It’s a tough question because a lot of it has been through friends and family and I learn from those around me every day. But I always have a mini group of advisors with different mindsets that I tap into. So, at any given point that group of advisors can give me advise or support depending on what I need. Innovation; HR/Workforce/People; Strategy; Keeping me grounded or spiritual. I believe in being a lifelong student so always happy to absorb wisdom from others.
I am proud to work at Greater Cincinnati Foundation, an organization taking a strong stand on racial equity in our region. It’s a critical and deeply complex topic and I value the courageous conversations and initiatives we are focusing on. I’m also really proud to have been part of the process to relocate GCF to it’s new home to set the organization up for the future. I am in awe of the impact it has had on the staff and culture and the fact that we can open the space up to the community to use – gives us a chance to truly live our mission.
I have the words THINK BIG plastered in my office and I hope people are inspired by that. Often time we play it safe or get comfortable with doing what we are used to or what is familiar. At times we also become afraid to take significant leaps that can lead to growth. So my THINK BIG attitude is a reminder to myself and other not being afraid of being first to do anything in order to pave the way for others.
For me success is giving everything your best/100%. As a leader, the outcomes are certainly important – moving the dial, meeting a deliverable or achieving a growth goal. But ultimately for me it’s more than the goal – it’s about giving it our best shot and staying flexible enough through the process to pivot. So getting there and results is important but how we get there for me really defines success. A number of important lessons and whether it’s a success or a failure because it’s often the journey to get there that makes you a better person. Success for me is growing and preparing for the future…not just me but the teams I work with.
My advice to emerging African American Leaders is – you will be underestimated a lot in your life and career. Don’t take offence, don’t get frustrated…use it to fuel you. Put that energy into proving them wrong and consistently exceeding expectations.
Cincinnati as a future city is one that has work to do to close the racial and economic divide. It’s no secret that there is a trend of black leaders who come here and don’t last. It’s a national problem but I would like to see Cincinnati lead the nation as the city that has figured this out and serves as a model to others. Cincinnati as a ‘future city’ to me means others from other states and other regions come here to study how we solved it so them because we serve as the example.
Be yourself. Sounds simple but it’s really not. A lot of different stakeholders impose their expectations on you through your career and the concept of just being yourself is very challenging sometimes. Who you are can get lost through the ‘noise’. As a young 22-year-old starting my career, it was the best advice I received and has served me well.
I think I may come across as a really serious person so people may be surprised that I really don’t take myself seriously and am really laid-back person and like to have fun. I am a work hard/play hard person.
I occasionally volunteer with my kids and also serve on several boards. I like serving on boards that are on the verge of change and / or transformation. I value the opportunity to help support their goals.
Help us elevate, empower, and support our region’s Black leaders today, tomorrow, and all year long by nominating someone for #MakingBlackHistory.
The Cincinnati Regional Chamber is the premier business and civic organization dedicated to growing the vibrancy and economic prosperity of the Cincinnati region. To achieve its vision that Cincinnati is a growing, thriving region where everyone belongs, the Chamber seeks to grow our economy, grow our population, and grow our cultural vibrancy -- with the foundation of a strong business community -- to foster a welcoming environment for all.
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